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The Overwhelmed Brain

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Oct 30, 2016

What you say isn't always what they hear. What they understand isn't always what you conveyed. Who is responsible for the communication, you? Them? Both? Neither? It's time to explore this topic. On Ask Paul part 1, I read a message from someone who got out of a manipulative, abusive relationship with a...

Oct 23, 2016

With General Anxiety Disorder, is there a chance of getting free of the consistent feelings of anxiety and panic? Is there a remote chance of feeling better or even making it go away completely? Maybe...

Also, I get a letter from a girl whose boyfriend gets jealous so she gets angry which causes him to insult her which...

Oct 16, 2016

Can you laugh at criticism? Do you believe in yourself enough so that when someone calls you anything less than you really are, you can shrug it off without those sometimes hard to avoid feelings? When you get to a place inside where you are proud of yourself no matter what, then you'll find yourself genuinely laughing...

Oct 9, 2016

Self-esteem stems from the level of self-worth you have about yourself. That's great to know, but how do you raise either or both so that you can walk through life confidently and assert yourself when needed? Later in the episode, I read a message from a jealous husband who doesn't like when other people look at his...

Oct 2, 2016

The silent treatment is like an acid that disintegrates trust and love because of the withdrawal of emotions (emotional withdrawal). I can't trust you with my emotions because when you withdraw, I feel betrayed and abandoned.

I also talk about the drawbacks of non-confrontational behavior and how choosing not to...