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The Overwhelmed Brain

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Dec 21, 2014

Practicing mindfulness has a lot of advantages that will help you become more alert, more focused, and more likely to finish what you started. I focus a lot on "focus" in this particular episode because we are simply an oversaturated, overstimulated society, and might need a refresher on what it takes to be truly...

Dec 14, 2014

Part 2 of a two-part episode where we talk about the 10 life lessons that, if implemented, lead to peace and fulfillment. So many of us simply live day to day, trying to make the next day as good as the last, or better. The day to day can be fulfilling, or it can be grueling. If it's the latter, it's possible that there...

Dec 7, 2014

Part 1 of a two-part episode where we talk about the 10 life lessons that, if implemented, lead to peace and fulfillment. So many of us simply live day to day, trying to make the next day as good as the last, or better. The day to day can be fulfilling, or it can be grueling. If it's the latter, it's possible that there...

Nov 16, 2014

There's a program running in the background of your mind that drives almost all of your behavior, and that's called your "philosophy". Your philosophy is made up of all the beliefs and assumptions that you have about the world. Many of these beliefs and assumptions are never questioned, just followed -...

Nov 9, 2014

Judgment can be one of the most damaging weapons in a relationship, as it tells the other person that it's not okay to be themselves. This builds resentment in them, and will eventually crumble even the most intimate relationships. If it doesn't crumble, then it suffers. Today's episode is how our triggers form our...